The Best Movies on Netflix (Right Now, in December 2024)

by admins

Here’s the thing: The best movies on Netflix one month may not be the best movies on Netflix the next month. As of this writing, for example, the service has Jaws, rocky, mental patient, stand by meand Field of dreams. If you haven’t seen those movies, by all means, watch them. The problem is that depending on when you’re reading this, these selections may no longer exist; Such are the vagaries of broadcast licences. Another example: In 2024, Netflix offered some annual series that included a collection of 1,974 titles (California Split; Conversation; Pelham took 123) which would easily make anyone’s best movies on Netflix list; It would be reasonable to expect that in 2025, there may be similar periods for classics e.g Afternoon dog day, One of them flew over the cuckoo’s nestAnd, oh, maybe Jaws Again, but it’s hard to say.

However, the world’s largest streaming service is also greedily stockpiling its future classics as it pays less attention to catalog titles that pre-date the early 2000s. Now, the lack of proper theatrical and/or physical releases for these films suggests that Netflix doesn’t care much about keeping the film in any form but on Netflix, which is a bad thing. But look, if you have Netflix anyway, you might as well use it to watch some of the good-to-great movies they’ve produced and/or caught quite a few of over the years. You might miss some of it in the deluge of 110-minute sitcoms and green-screen action movies, Fear Streetsand Kissing boothQ. With that in mind, here are the 21 best movies on Netflix that will likely stay on Netflix, unless they’re pulled into the digital recycling bin for tax purposes.

21. Wallace and Gromit: The Revenge of Most Birds (2024)

Everett Group

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